10 Minute At-Home Fat Loss Workout

November 8, 2017 8:20 pm
At Home Workout

You’ve got a full, busy life and it feels like you have to sacrifice everything in order to get leaner, stronger, and more confident.

Well you don’t have to sacrifice everything!

Most people think that fat loss requires endless hours in the gym. But it’s just not true. Beating yourself into a pulp for 3 hours a day isn’t the only (or the best) way to lose fat. The magic is all in choosing the right exercises and the right intensity level.

That’s why we’re big fans of using the simplest, most effective movements for fat loss.

Two of the best movements for fat loss are the kettlebell swing and the push up.

Simple, right?

But simple doesn’t mean easy. One of our favourite at home workouts takes those two simple movements and makes them into a hellishly difficult but fun fat burning workout.

Check out this awesome fat loss workout: the swing and push up ladder

Kettlebell Swing and Push Up Ladder

The goal is to finish all your reps (a total of 55 swings and 55 push ups) in under 10 minutes. You likely won’t get it on the first try. Don’t worry. Keep working at it bit by bit until you do.

If you CAN do it in 10 minutes, you’re pretty darn fit! Now see if you can do it faster.

As always, go to the point of challenge, not pain. If you can’t make it to the end of the workout, just do what you can, and try to do a little bit more the next time.

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